Functional Medicine & Natural Healing Podcast

BENCH Press & Vitamin D

Season 1 Episode 109

Are you stuck reading the same things? If you want results in your protocol, at least change 1 thing. In fact change one thing that doesn't make sense to change and see what happens! 

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Welcome to the functional medicine and natural healing podcast where we share the secrets to upgrade your digestion, improve your hormones, restore your immune system and detoxify your body. I'm your host, Dr. Houston Anderson. Now let's get started. The following discussion is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose. always discuss medical treatments or medical interventions with your personal physician. Hey, guys, welcome back to the podcast. I'm Dr. Houston Anderson. And today I'm gonna go a little bit crazy on some people. So I posted a post on my personal Facebook page just the other day about how I went to the gym early in the morning. It's about 5am. And I'm putting some weights on the benchpress. And you this young 18 year old boy comes up to me and he's like, he's like, you need some collars. And I have my headphones in so I didn't actually hear him. And I look at and I kind of waved them off. I thought he asked if I needed them. And he was going to use them anyway, I waved them off. He's like, he's like, you can have a really. And as I turn my headphones off, I was like, No, I'm okay. And he's like, No, no, really like you, you can use these while you benchpress. And, and I made the joke that that's how you know, you're an old guy, as if if the young guys don't think you can benchpress the weight you have on the bar, which I think is pretty funny. Right? So I post I post and it is funny because yeah, when I was younger, obviously, you know more muscles, bulkier, you know, those aren't my goals these days. But, but when I did that, you know, obviously no one would have questioned if I could push the weight in the gym. And anytime you go to a gym for a long time, obviously people start to learn who stacks weights on the on the bars. And so you people know, like, you know, you can lift some weight. So, you know, obviously one I'm not a regular at this gym at this time. And to you know, I'm getting old, right? So that just is what it is. It's kind of a funny story. So I posted on my personal Facebook page. And someone not another doctor colleague, right, a smart guy posts. benchpress is the worst thing for your shoulders. I haven't done bench press in 25 years, you should switch to overhead press. And I don't even remember what else it was overhead press Oh, cleaning jerk, right, or power cleans and presses something like that. And I said, I said actually, you know, I've been playing overhead sports. So meaning competitive volleyball for over 20 years, as well as coaching, getting 1000s of reps on my shoulder. And I've been bench pressing my entire life since I was like 14. And I have no shoulders problems, right? So So why is that? Because here's the thing that nobody wants to understand. There's not a one size fits all the benchpress is not bad for your shoulders. I don't care who you talk to, the person that's going to tell you it's bad for the shoulders is the person that doesn't do it the person that doesn't know how to do it properly. Okay, so there's caveats to that is the benchpress. bad for you. 100% if you do it wrong, right, so a lot of chiropractors and see people injure their shoulders, doing a super heavy bench press on a weight that they couldn't manage, because they had never been coached or they're in their first year of training or something like that. Okay, so but but the statement goes out? Oh, yeah. benchpress and I've seen it 1000 times. That's why I'm ranting on it today. But don't worry, I'm going to take this back to functional medicine because probably not many people care about the bench press on here. Okay. Let's go back to now functional medicine, you're going to see these things. Oh, well, I heard the keto diets the best diet, right. There's a popular doctor online that you know, multiple popular doctors online that are promoting keto keto keto, this is the best diet for blood sugar. It makes you the healthiest things like that. There's no one size fits all you guys. I can't tell you how many people get on keto and gain 30 pounds. Okay, this is a horrible plan for their body type. Maybe not even for the body type. Maybe it's awesome for their blood sugar, but it doesn't match their health concerns. So I don't want anyone to get caught up in this mess of things. Right, let's get more controversial just because it's fun, COVID season. You know, everyone's always like, well, well, I'm taking vitamin D. So I'm safe from COVID. And I go actually, there's no research that says that vitamin D prevents COVID. What the studies say is that you have if you have elevated blood, vitamin D, then you're protected somewhat from COVID. And you have less severe symptoms. Hey, it's important to know that vitamin D in and of itself is not protective. Okay, I can't tell you how many people come into my office that are taking 20,000 I use a vitamin D a day and have horribly low vitamin D. Okay, for a lot of reasons. One, it's a crappy vitamin D. Kind of source meaning it's not quality. They're not getting the D they should the absorption sound good. It's in some kind of weird oily filler from Walmart or something like that, that just the quality isn't there and it's not Walmart's fault. It's whoever made the supplement right? And they found a way that they could make it for $1 and sell it to you for 20 so it's better to do that then sell you the stuff that came from natural products and fish and animals and and actually as has high quality ingredients. So everyone goes with that right? And and the reality is that people If you can get your vitamin D levels up, then it works. But my question to everyone is everyone that's taking vitamin D this COVID year, did you check your D levels? Did you see if it was high enough, if you did great, like you probably are doing your part, but there's no one size fits all, if you take zinc and D that you're going to get better. There was another doc another chiropractor that got really famous recently for being controversial, right suggesting that, you know, tonic water, and I can't remember what he's doing tonic water, and zinc was gonna cure all of COVID. This was early on, you know, he got caught by the fbt. FDA, I think he lost his license for a bid or at least got banned. I'm not sure exactly how that all played out. But long story short, let's get real, like you can't just drink tonic water and take some zinc, and think that you're going to be better or perfectly immune from COVID. Hey, this goes for every condition. If we go back to hormones, everyone thinks like, Oh, I have low estrogen, I'm going to take some some estrogen, then I'll be better. It's not like that. It's not that easy. There's no one statement, hmm, you need to be the person that steps out from the crowd, you need to be the different person because your body is different, I want you to go ahead and stand next to someone else in the mirror and look and see, you know, see if your feet are the same size, if your knees are the same size of your hips and shoulders are the same size. If you have the same face shape, if you gain weight in the same places, right you gain weight, your thighs and your shoulders and your breasts in your head is your the you know, I always get upset because I gained weight my face. It's the worst, right? Because it's what everyone sees, though other people might be upset that they gain weight in their belly and their face stays lean right? These are just different things. And each one of us is going to have a different protocol. This is where a lot of people go wrong, right, the information on the internet one, I don't know if I've covered this yet in a previous podcast, I'll have to re listen to some of them. But one, most of it is written by writers that are hired by popular doctors meaning and that's fine. Hopefully the doctors have reviewed this information and hopefully that they can put their name and their stamp behind it. And that it's actually what they use in their office. But but that's why one of the reasons why this podcast is rarely gonna have a guest, I hope at least this season, or maybe the first 100 episodes, we're not going to have any guests on here. Unless I get like a co host or something like that, that wants to be fun and controversial too. So we can really dive deep into this stuff. We don't have to go with the mainstream. As soon as I add 500 people on this podcast interviews now we get to listen to these watered down opinions from a variety of different sources. And we don't get to get really deep into a protocol. But But yeah, so all the information online is regurgitated. Right. So for example, this is not a knock on any profession. But say you're a dietitian, and you're writing a health article. How many times has that dietitian worked with an autoimmune case that they ran labs? And they reversed it? Or are they just suggesting dietary recommendations based upon the research? Okay? Take that to really anything else. Because I have a, this is always the problem between clinicians and PhDs. And and truthfully, MDS kind of lie in the middle, so naturopaths lie in the middle. Okay, I always like to say like, I'm going to err on the side of clinical utility, in most cases. And the reason why you can do that is if you're using natural and holistic supplements, right, people can come into my office and be taking tons of B 12, like higher than they could ever need. Tons of B, one to six tons of vitamin D, and maybe 50 supplements, I see people all the time taking like 5000 milligrams of ashwagandha, because it's in every supplement they buy, cuz they're tired, right, so they have like 5000 milligrams a day of ashwagandha, which theoretically could be dangerous if they did it for a long period of time. But the nice thing about natural herbs and supplements is there's so few side effects. So this allows us to err, once again, going back to the natural, not just functional medicine, the natural combination of functional medicine plus natural medicine is that if you use natural products, you're going to have much less side effects, you're going to be able to experiment clinically more with your body. So that's why you can go on Amazon and buy whatever product he wants. And and there's no rules against that, at least at this time. Because overall, it's it's truly safe, they'd have to prove that it was unsafe first. You've seen some some risings about NAC this year. But we'll we'll see how that all kind of plays out. But long story short, the purpose of this podcast was not to talk about benchpress I see just as many people injured from yoga as benchpress. If you run a running clinic, you see people injured all the time from running, you know, which isn't heavy and it doesn't use your shoulders. People will talk about like, Oh, well, the benchpress has no purpose. You know, it's just to tell people how much you bench press. I haven't told someone how much I benchpress in years, right. So I would like someone to say yes, I haven't told anyone how much bench press in 25 years. But if you haven't benchpress in 25 years, that doesn't impress me, because it really has nothing to do with your overall health. It's all about you individualizing your program for someone walking into my office benchpress may be the absolute best, most basic compound exercise that they can do for their shoulder and chest complex. Right? That may be what they need to do. Maybe they've overworked to their back. Maybe they've underworked their back, right. So it's all about balance. It's all about integrating all of these things together. It's not about b1 is not about buying the next supplement. It's about really putting these systems together into a fashion where we're talking about interactions. Okay, interactions to where you're addressing the liver, the spleen, the pancreas, the gallbladder, the large and small intestine, the stomach, the brain, the heart, all of that into a single system, where How do they interact? How do they work together? Obviously, that's what people hire doctors for, I will tell every one of my patients, you actually don't need me all this information is online, my only job is to sort it out for you. Because I've spent the 20,000 hours doing it. Right, I've spent all the time. So if you want to stop your job and spend the next year researching it, you will probably be just as smart. If not smarter than me, you're gonna have to see a few four or 5000 patients just so you can get a feel there, you have to do some some online coaching, you're gonna have to do some long distance telecon salts, you're gonna have to have a few your own health problems, and then you'll probably be just as expert as I am. There's no problem. I have no problem saying that all my patients are just as smart as me. It's just clinical application. People come in with a digestive problem. They know everything about the gut lining, they know everything about probiotics, they know everything about fish oil, they know everything about vitamin D. But my question is, how many people have they helped to fix their gut problem, you got to help at least one or two, to have an idea of what works, okay. And then when you've helped five or six, then you're like, Okay, I kind of have a pattern developing. And then there always be an exception. So every session, you develop another kind of story can. So I don't want anyone to be dogmatic. Okay. That's why once again, the podcast is just me for now. I don't want you to fall into any of these hypes like, you know, like, oh, grains are bad. I don't care how many people say gluten free. You everyone has to be gluten free? It's not correct. It's 100% not correct. It doesn't make any sense. And of course, you know, I, because I'm a clinician, and because I'm a researcher, I'm open to changing that opinion. If I change my opinion, in 10 years, if things change in 10 years, I can be okay saying that the quality of gluten isn't that good in America, right. So maybe it is always a little bit toxic. But it doesn't make sense that there's never been a grain of gluten that was safe. There's never been, you know, a molecule of gluten that was safe. Once again, we can argue that in general, in America, most people can't tolerate corn. Okay? Most people can't tolerate corn. They can't tolerate gluten, they can't tolerate a lot of grains. But what does this have to do with a lot of us do with their individual health? Anyway, I want you to know you can't dumb down your entire body. And everything you learn as to as to a single study, or a single opinion, or a single approach. It's one of the hardest things about publishing information and podcasts online, is that every time I tell you something, I know, 17 exceptions to that rule, right. And every time I suggest something, it's like, well, this is what I mostly do. But let me tell you about these 3000 other cases where I had to do something different. So this is also another reason why people get really discouraged. So don't get too discouraged. Because there's always another way to address it. There's always another way to think about the problem. There's always another way to build the internal organs to start to heal. Where we really run into problem is time commitments, right time and finances right. So if you if you had a health condition that was going to, you know, take your life in the next month, it might be really hard for me or anyone to help you because we only have so long. Or if you had a health problem that was really, really severe, it might take a few more supplements than one that's mild and then it becomes a financial issue. But But those are the nuances we need to pay ahead up pay attention to. And so the end, what I'm trying to say is don't get discouraged. Your body is not simple. And it can't be simplified to a simple statement or this is better than that. You're going to find that every person individual's health is very different. And hopefully we got you excited with today's podcast. And I think I'm gonna do a little bit more on hormones in the next podcast and we'll see you then. Thanks a lot.